Monday 1 December 2014

DELTA Module one exam at ILA

A few months ago I blogged that I am currently studying for the DELTA module one exam. The DELTA is the diploma in English language teaching to adults. Well this has been ongoing and this Wednesday is the big day and I have the module one exam.

I've been doing this distance learning with International House though their website but I need to sit the exam at an exam centre and the exam centre in Ho Chi Minh City is at my old school, ILA. This is where I worked for two years and studied for the CELTA.

I went to pay my exam fee a few days back and visit the place. Its not changed much but the staff there are all teachers who I used to work with.

Its a three hour exam in total. Two papers of 1.5 hours. The past three months have involved a fair amount of work in learning terminology and different grammatical structures. All stuff I knew but not really how to explain.

I'll be glad when its over, it has been fairly stressful and involved most of my weekends to study. After this Wednesday I can start to relax and look forward to going back to England for Christmas!

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