Wednesday 15 October 2014

Tuesday night darts – Game 9 of 14 – Tequila Torros vs The Tavern

This week would be another potential banana skin against the third place team in the table 'Tequila Torros'. This team have a couple of really good players too and definitely capable of taking points off us. This match was at Tequila bar on Pasteur street in district 1.

The evening started well with us winning both the triples games. I was then dropped for the three doubles matches, as we have seven players we have to rotate and as I didn't play that well I was out, I didn't mind. However, after our great start disaster struck and we lost all three doubles matches to put us 3-2 behind going into the singles.

It was shaping up to be a tough evening as they had three really good players in their team so we needed to play very well going into the six singles matches. I'm pleased to report that, just like last week, we miraculously won all our singles games which meant we already had an unassailable lead going into the final 6 vs 6 match. I won my game. As luck would have it I was matched with probably their weakest player. I didn't play great and made a meal out of beating him 2-1 but I won nevertheless. 

We lost the final 6 vs 6 game but as I said it was irrelevant as we took the match 8 - 4. Even more glorious news was that our closest rivals, for the fourth week in a row dropped points. We are now eight points clear with only fifteen points available. As we've only dropped three points all season it really does feel now that we have one hand on the championship!

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