Thursday 30 October 2014

Tuesday night darts – Game 11 of 14 – ACDC vs The Tavern

So, four games left in the season and this week we played the all-girls team  ACDC at Red bar who are currently propping up the league table with a meagre four points. If ever there was a team to bounce back from after last week’s defeat it was this one.

At the end of the doubles and triples we were 4 -1 up. I played in the doubles against two girls who I don’t think had ever played before. We comfortably won 2-0 with me checking out the second leg. After this came the singles. I was playing last in the sixth match. By the time it got to me we already had an unassailable 8-2 lead so the pressure was off. All I was playing for was male pride and once again I was put against the girl who beat me earlier in the season – a nice chance for revenge.

I played well in the first leg but lost, then in the second leg I started to play badly. She was trying to check out whilst I was still on 250 points fortunately she couldn’t hit that double and when I got a chance, I took it 1 – 1. In the final leg I started to throw some good darts again. I got down to checking out with her still on 300 points. This is where all the good news ends because I’m sad to report that I just couldn’t hit a double. Eventually she got down and had a chance to win and took it. I lost the game 2-1, yet another defeat to a girl.

To make matters worse I’m sure this girl must be a Liverpool fan because she is one of the worst winners I’ve ever played coming over several times to commiserate me. So although we won the match I wasn’t happy at loosing again. It’s the fourth time I’ve played this team and lost my singles match every time.

Anyway, the team won which is the important thing. Our closest rivals beat the third place team which means we are now promoted as only the top two teams go up to division 2. This does mean there will be no chance for me to get revenge which thinking about it is just as well as id probably loose anyway.

The next task is to win the league. We could achieve this next week as we are playing the second place team – a very big match!

Lots of practice is needed between now and Tuesday!

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