Monday 9 June 2014

Train from Jakarta to Yogyakarta

So, caught the train today from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. It left at 9am but we were told to be there at 8am, I'm not sure why as it wouldn't have made any difference if we'd got there 10 minutes before it departed. The train was very nice, Id opted for some more expensive tickets (they were about $25 each) and got a nice big eat in an air conditioned cabin.

My ticket

Our train carriage
It journey was good. There was some lovely view out the windows or rice fields and cloud topped mountains. Indonesia is one of the biggest producers of rice in the world and its easy to see why. The whole journey was pretty much an endless string of rice fields.

Although it was interesting it was pretty samey after a while and having lived in Asia for three years now it was not really anything new. I think I've become so used to seeing things that three years ago were completely different to what you see in the west that it doesn't have the same wow factor anymore

There was a TV to watch which showed some movies and a lady came past with a refreshments trolley every hour or so. I tried some Indonesian munchies which were quite nice.

We arrived about an hour late which is always one of life's mysteries with trains. We left on time and only stopped to pick people up a couple of times. Also there are only about 4 or 5 trains running per day no idea how we could have gotten so late.

 So, we will be staying in Yogyakarta for four nights and taking in some volcano and temple tours before moving onto Bali

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