Friday 13 June 2014

Prambanan and Borobudur temples, Indonesia

Today we visited the two famous Indonesian temple completes, Prambanan and Borobudhu. We visited Prambanan, a Hindu temple first. Its a very similar style to those in Cambodia. It was well preserved and quite impressive for building nearly 1,000 years old.

We spent a couple of hours looking around here. It was quite nice and relaxing after climbing the Volcano the day before. 

After Prambanan we made our way to Borobudur for sunset. This was another hours drive but worth it as it was far move impressive. It was a huge temple surrounded by mountains. You could climb all over the temple to look at the carvings and best off all there wasn't too many tourist.

This is definitely the best temple I've seen next to Angkor Wat. Again its about 1,000 years old. We stayed here whilst the sun went down before heading back to Yogyakarta. Tomorrow we are flying to Bali for 6 nights for some relaxation.

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