Saturday 7 June 2014

Jakarta, Indonesia

We arrived in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, yesterday. We arrived late in the evening after flying from Ho Chi Minh City via Singapore. 

Indonesian Flag
I was told before I came here that its not really a tourist city and there is not much to do but I really wanted to visit the capital before moving onto our next destination. We stayed in a hotel very close to the train station and the national monument.

National monument
 It's been a pretty nice day. In the morning we bought train tickets for the next day before visiting the national monument situated in a really big park. It was Sunday and the ques were huge so we didn't go to the top of it.

National monument
After visiting the monument we walked around the park which was very nice and relaxing. The monument is very close to the national museum this was our next stop. The museum was pretty good and showed you about how Indonesia was populated and how the different tribes developed. It also has some great fossils of cavemen.

Park of the National monument

After this we visited one of the many shopping malls. We managed to work out how to use the public transport which I was quite pleased with myself about. It was huge and very western but quite nice to relax and walk around. 

Big shopping mall
 We are off to a place called Yogyakarta tomorrow on the train. The journey will take about 8 hours and take us across western Java. Jakarta is an ok city. Its right in that there isn't that much for tourists to do but I imagine that if you lived here there would be lots of nice places to go.

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