Monday 9 June 2014

The inspection of the train guards.

Whilst waiting for the train to leave the station I was witness to an event that requires its own blog post. Before the train from Jakarta left the station a large number of train staff were congregating and furiously chain smoking outside my window. Suddenly they all jumped up and stood in a line. Another guard who I'm sure was wearing medals came along and started inspecting the staff. It was the sort of thing I imagine happens in the army but seemed a bit strange to be happening for train staff. 

Inspecting of the guards
I managed to snap the above picture of the event but unfortunately one of the staff is stood in front of the man inspecting them. I'm not sure why or how he got those medals. They must be for services to Indonesian rail. I wanted to get another photo but second after getting this photo the man dismissed them and they want back to chain smoking. It looked like the chief was giving them a motivational talk during the inspection which I'm sure they appreciated. I'm confident they all passed the inspection.

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