Sunday 16 February 2014

Vietnamese Wedding

Today I went to a Vietnamese wedding. It was the wedding of a friend of a friend. Weddings are a bit different here which is refreshing to what I'm used to in England. They only have a service for the family in the afternoon then have a big meal in the evening. 

It was pretty interesting. There were about 300 people attending. We had a couple of speeches. Again its a bit different here, they only say a few words and there not designed to make people laugh, I could tell this even though they were in Vietnamese - short and sweet.

Before we had the food some guy came on stage and playe a violin. I think he comes as part of the package with the hotel which was nice. After this we were treated to a video made by the bride and groom shown on a big screen at the front of the room. It was a montage of lots of pictures and videos shown as some romantic songs played.

The food was good and we had a total of 7 courses. Lots and lots of seafood and free beer the just  like the last wedding I went to at about 9:30pm everyone started going home. No need to make excuses to leave Vietnamese wedding early. Another thing I like about the weddings here is that everyone just puts money in an envelope, nice and easy.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Starting Vietnamese Lessons - VLS Language school

I've just signed up for a Vietnamese course at a local language school near my house. Although I've been here for over 2 years my Vietnamese isn't very good and I think the best way for me to learn is in a classroom. I will be going two evenings a week to begin with. After the beginners course I will see how i feel and keep trying to progress.

Vietnamese is such a difficult language to learn. Its harder than French or Spanish as its mostly tones and few of the words resemble English words. Anyway, I start tonight. The school was recommend by a friend who used them a few years ago and he can speak pretty well. My goal would be to be able to hold a conversation with a local. I was never very good at French at school but in all fairness I didn't try very hard so Ill give it my best shot.

The school is called Vietnamese Language studies and the website is

Friday 7 February 2014

The last few days with my parents in HCMC

We have been doing a number of things in the past few days. We have visited the war museum, the Cu Chi tunnels (my third time) and went down the river on a boat whilst having dinner.

The boat we went on down the Saigon river
The boat trip was very enjoyable. We got to do it at sunset too and were treated to a 7 course dinner. The Cu Chi tunnels is a good trip but its been the same every time I've been.

My dad enjoying some Pho
So that's the end of our adventure and tomorrow my parents fly back to England. Its been a very enjoyable two weeks and nice to have spent some quality time with my parents. I am planning to go home next Christmas for a visit and my mates wedding so I will see them again in 10 months. We have done so much in 14 days and it feel like it been longer because of this. I feel quite happy that my parents got to see and do so many different things.

Sunset by the river on the boat
Anyway, its back to work on Monday

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Mekong Delta day trip

So we arrived back in HCMC two days ago and today we did a day trip to the Mekong Delta. Its a nice relaxing day were we got to go down a river and see lots of nice fruit growing on trees. We also got to see a traditional Vietnamese folk band and a place where they make coconut candy. The band were exactly the same as the last time I came and I bought some candy for my students. 

In the Mekong Delta
It is a great place to visit and very reasonably priced. We also got to see a big Buddha. Again my parents enjoyed it. Only a few day left now now before my parents go home.

In the Mekong Delta

Monday 3 February 2014

Phuket, Thailand

We have spent the past 5 nights on the Island of Phuket in Thailand. The hotel we stayed at has been great. Its a very touristy place but when looking around the Island it is easy to see why. 

Me and my Mum
 There are a number of beautiful beaches around the Island with perfect sand and crystal clear water. There are also lots of roads that lead up into the hills which give you great views of the coastline.

Sunset from one of the beaches

We spent two days travelling around the Islands on motorbikes seeing the various beaches and also did a day trip to the Phi Phi Islands and Bamboo Island. Bamboo Island is one I went to before and it was just as amazing as the first time I went.

Bamboo Island

Phuket is definitely somewhere I'd come back to. Its got a bit of everything. Great food, good prices, entertainment, amazing beaches, trips, shops, great weather etc. Its' good to know I'm only a few hours away in HCMC. My parents loved it hear too and were as blown away as I was.

Orchid Garden
We're heading back to HCMC tomorrow for a few days to do some touristy stuff again before my parent fly back to England at the weekend.