Sunday 22 December 2013

Singapore - Day 2 - Botanic gardens and Singapore Zoo

Today I went to the Botanic Gardens and Singapore Zoo. In the morning we went to the gardens and looked around at the various plants and trees. It was very pleasant. It was nice to see people using the area for a picnic and running. The botanic gardens covers quite a large area in the city and you can easily spend a long time here.
There was a ginger garden and an orchid garden, the ginger garden was free but as it was $5 to go into the orchid garden and we'd been walking around for a few hours I was all planted out so didn't go in. It looked pretty good when I peered over the fence.
In the afternoon we went to Singapore Zoo, which is supposed to be one of the best in the world. I'm not usually a big fan of zoos but this one was pretty good and most of the animals weren't in cages and looked fairly happy.
There were so many animals here but the best was the polar bear. This is something I've not seen before and it was massive. If the heat annoys me then I'm pretty sure it must get to the polar bear big time,  however he had a really big area with a huge swimming pool and an air conditioned den. He was hiding for most of the time but when he came out of his home he went for a swim you could see how big he was. He swam in circles for a good 15 minutes before I left. It was one of those animals that you can imagine if you met in the wild you'd be pretty screwed whatever you did. I'd also put hippos and rhinos in that category too.

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