Tuesday 10 December 2013

Christmas Carol concert at Notre Dam Catherdral in Ho Chi Minh City

On Saturday night I went to a carol concert at the big cathedral in Ho Chi Minh City, Notre Dam. I've never been able to go in this building before as its always closed to it was a good chance to see the building and get festive too.
Notre Dam Cathedral - Christmas concert.
It was a pretty good concert. We didn't get the chance to sing only listen and only half the songs were Christmas songs but it was free so I can't complain. It was a little bit long and the benches weren't that comfortable but the Christmas songs they did sing were good.
A Vietnamese Vicar
It was a packed event. It started at 7:30. Luckily we arrived at 6:50 and got seats. I've not been to a church for a while and it was interesting to see so many people passing the time on their I-pads.
I've added a couple of videos of the event.
The first one is of the vicar walking down the aisle, accompanied by a pair of candle bearers, carrying aloft a grand looking copy of the good book whilst chanting.
The second video is of the choir in action singing 'Hark the Herald angel sing' during the service.
It achieved its goal of making me feel more festive, albeit at least as much as possible whilst sweating.

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