Thursday 5 December 2013

Nearing the end of my first semester and a pre Christmas holiday

Not much to report really. I've settled into my new job and its all going well. The students are great and I'm enjoying it. I've already been here for over two months now and I'm coming to the end of my first semester. After teaching for10 weeks I have a week break before starting all over again. The good news is that my week off falls on Christmas week! This means I'm on holiday from 21st December - 30th December.
Some more good news is that I've booked a pre Christmas holiday to Singapore for three nights. I fly on 21st December and come back on Christmas eve. It should be nice and I;m hoping there will be lots of Christmas decorations.
I've not got any good pictures to put on the blog so I'm going to add one of the Singapore flag.

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