Wednesday 20 March 2013

Working hard and hospital visit

It been a month since I updated the blog. I seem to be getting a bit slack with the updates compaired to last year but I will try harder in the next few months to update things.

So whats been happening? Not too much. I had to visit the hospital about my knee I hurt when playing football back in January. It was a private place and a little journey outside the centre but it was good on the bike. I saw a knee specialist and had an MRI. The good news it that it should heal without surgery but I will have to rest it for a couple of months.

Lady selling stuff to tourists

A couple of my mates are coming to visit me at the end of next week and then we're going to Hanoi and Ha Long bay for a week. I'm looking forward to this as it will be good to see the north of the country. I can only take a week off work which means I'll have to do another trip as some point as theres not enough time to see it all in one week.

The weather is starting to get hotter now. Its pretty much in the late 30s every day and very humid.

Notre Dam catherdral in HCMC
Not much else to report but I'll blog before my trip next week.

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