Thursday 28 March 2013

Friends have arrived

Their flight details
So earlier this evening I picked up my friends, James and Sarah from the airport. I only had to wait an hour which wasn't too bad.

Beanie and Sarah arriving at the airport

I managed to get them home safely and due to my small knowledge of the city and with help from the little Vietnamese I know without the taxi driver taking too much of a detour. They're staying at mine for the next few days before we fly to Hanoi. Tonight we have been for a meal (which they loved) and played darts but now its bed time before a big day of sightseeing tomorrow.

My favourite munchies

Some more good news is that they bought me a lot of my favourite munchies from England - see the picture above... Its beautiful! I told Beanie I'd give him my run down on the local munchies here at some point over the next few days. I have become a bit of a connoisseur of the Vietnamese munchies.

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