Saturday 13 August 2011

CELTA, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - week 3/4

Traditional friday after-school-beers
 I've now finished my third week of teacher training. This week I've completed three lessons and the third piece of coursework which leaves one final lesson on tuesday and one final piece of coursework. Its been another tough week but not as hard as week 2. Again ive been improving in my lessons and every day feels like im getting better.

As I've finished most of the work it feels like the course is coming to an end. It's a strange feeling because although I'm looking forward to it finishing its going to be quite sad because the whole experience and the people I've met has been fantastic.

Ho Chi Minh City in the rain
My lessons have been going well and so far they are all 'to standard'. For my third piece of coursework I had to make a lesson using a piece of 'authentic material' such as an article from a newpaper or some song lyrics. I chose  the Maria Carey classic 'all I want for Christmas' which was strange to listen to when its 30 degrees outside ... I passed the assignment!!

I'm still undecided where I'm going to work after next week. The ILA's HR officer came as spoke to us about having interviews to work at the school as there is a demand for teachers starting next month. 

City shot of HSMC

There are over 50 language schools in HCMC alone so I may take some time to look around before committing. Also the idea of working in Cambodia is appealing as I really liked the place. Other options are Japan and China.

My course finishes next friday and I'll stay in HCMC until at least mid the following week. I do feel like I need some time to chill out after a tough month so may well travel up to the north of Vietnam for a few more weeks of adventures whilst looking into the different options for work....... its a hard life!

I saw the local businessmen 'bamboo man' again this week and you 'll be pleased to hear business appears to be good (see last weeks blog), I think his main business dealings are in the area around my school, however ive been reliably informed at its not actualy bamboo he's selling it's sugar cane so he's now known as 'sugar cane man'.

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