Saturday 20 August 2011

CELTA Finished!!!!

In action teaching the elementary class about London

I've now finished the CELTA course and found out yesterday that I passed (along with everyone else). In the last week ive had to finish one assignment and do one final 1 hour lesson. My last lesson was on Tuesday so the rest of the week was pretty chilled and I only had to focus on the input sessions in the afternoons.

Friday was a pretty easy day. We didn't have any more lessons so got to spend our time with the students. We took them all to a big yoghurt bar around the corner, a couple of the guys here are, unlike me, good at playing the guitar and we had some good sing-a-longs.

Me with some of the students
It was a good few hours chatting to the students. I still can't get over how nice, happy and positive they all are. In a way it was quite sad when we all had to say goodbye for both us teachers and the students., its been so much fun teaching and working with them 

After this we had our graduation party where we went to a bar which was 'all you can drink for $5' from 3pm till 7pm (with free pool!)... I think it's something that would catch on in England, I may suggest it to the local Bournemouth council.

At 'Penguins' the Yoghurt Bar

Its a bit of a strange feeling this morning. Alot of the people who I have spent most of my time with over the past 4 weeks are going back home to America, Japan, Korea which is quite sad. Alot of people are planning to stay and work in HSMC which is good. 

I have an interview at the ILA language school on Monday in HCMC but there are 2/3 big language schools in the city which I'll check out, there are also hundreds of other smaller ones as well. The advantage with a big school is they can offer support  while I get settled into teaching. I'm looking at other options too including Cambodia.


My 'picture of the week' this week comes from a local doughnut shop down the road from my guest house. The shop basically sells nothing but really funky  decorated doughnuts.

I have some more good news too, I was going for a coffee this morning with one of my peers and I saw 'sugarcane' man cycling down the road. I went to get my camera out to take another picture but he was too fast for me. It was nice to see him again. I did suggest we get a sugarcane for each of our teachers as a thank you present from 'sugarcane man' but was out voted so we got them flowers instead.

I've lots of decisions to make next week but they all feel like nice decisions. I'm going to spend the rest of the day sending emails to the schools in HCMC and Cambodia then I'm off to watch the premiership football and cricket from 6pm till 2am at a local bar with some of the other teachers.


  1. HI! am intending to do the Celta in ILA HCMC, where did u stay when you were there?
