Saturday 27 August 2011

Finding work as an English Language Teacher in HCMC

on the restaurant wall

So after finished my CELTA course it was time to look for work. As I had complete my CELTA at the ILA school here in Ho Chi Minh City I was offered an interview which was booked for last Monday. I wanted to look at some of the other big schools in the city so spent the early part of the week sending my CVs to those schools too. 

After a few days I had been offered a part time job at the ILA with two interviews set up with other schools.

City Photo
The ILA wanted me to start on their induction program straight away, since the school offers good support for new teachers and quite liking the idea of working part time and still being able to afford to live in HCMC, Ive decided to take the job. The induction program started on Friday where I attended a few workshops. I will be teaching mainly children which Im happy with as its a nice way into teaching and the lessons will be over the weekends which means apart from two hours a few evenings a week I will be pretty free Monday to Friday!

Food on a night out
On Saturday I observed a number of other teachers over a number of different age groups. The classes seemed quite fun and I'm looking forward to starting. I have some more induction training early next week and then I have my first lesson Thursday afternoon (1st September). Its Vietnam national day (A bank holiday) on 2nd September and lots of flags have been put up around the city. I'm not really sure what will be happening but the school is closed so my next lessons will be over the weekend.

River view of the city
Over the next week I will be looking at getting a perminent place to stay. Alot of the teachers share accomodation together which will be a good way for me to meet more people. I'm also looking into getting a motorbike which is concerning but exciting.

My main objectives over the next few months will be to settle in the city and keep improving at teaching. I've already found some people to play football with and found some great gyms that I'd like to join. I'll keep you posted on how it keeps going.

Saturday 20 August 2011

CELTA Finished!!!!

In action teaching the elementary class about London

I've now finished the CELTA course and found out yesterday that I passed (along with everyone else). In the last week ive had to finish one assignment and do one final 1 hour lesson. My last lesson was on Tuesday so the rest of the week was pretty chilled and I only had to focus on the input sessions in the afternoons.

Friday was a pretty easy day. We didn't have any more lessons so got to spend our time with the students. We took them all to a big yoghurt bar around the corner, a couple of the guys here are, unlike me, good at playing the guitar and we had some good sing-a-longs.

Me with some of the students
It was a good few hours chatting to the students. I still can't get over how nice, happy and positive they all are. In a way it was quite sad when we all had to say goodbye for both us teachers and the students., its been so much fun teaching and working with them 

After this we had our graduation party where we went to a bar which was 'all you can drink for $5' from 3pm till 7pm (with free pool!)... I think it's something that would catch on in England, I may suggest it to the local Bournemouth council.

At 'Penguins' the Yoghurt Bar

Its a bit of a strange feeling this morning. Alot of the people who I have spent most of my time with over the past 4 weeks are going back home to America, Japan, Korea which is quite sad. Alot of people are planning to stay and work in HSMC which is good. 

I have an interview at the ILA language school on Monday in HCMC but there are 2/3 big language schools in the city which I'll check out, there are also hundreds of other smaller ones as well. The advantage with a big school is they can offer support  while I get settled into teaching. I'm looking at other options too including Cambodia.


My 'picture of the week' this week comes from a local doughnut shop down the road from my guest house. The shop basically sells nothing but really funky  decorated doughnuts.

I have some more good news too, I was going for a coffee this morning with one of my peers and I saw 'sugarcane' man cycling down the road. I went to get my camera out to take another picture but he was too fast for me. It was nice to see him again. I did suggest we get a sugarcane for each of our teachers as a thank you present from 'sugarcane man' but was out voted so we got them flowers instead.

I've lots of decisions to make next week but they all feel like nice decisions. I'm going to spend the rest of the day sending emails to the schools in HCMC and Cambodia then I'm off to watch the premiership football and cricket from 6pm till 2am at a local bar with some of the other teachers.

Saturday 13 August 2011

CELTA, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - week 3/4

Traditional friday after-school-beers
 I've now finished my third week of teacher training. This week I've completed three lessons and the third piece of coursework which leaves one final lesson on tuesday and one final piece of coursework. Its been another tough week but not as hard as week 2. Again ive been improving in my lessons and every day feels like im getting better.

As I've finished most of the work it feels like the course is coming to an end. It's a strange feeling because although I'm looking forward to it finishing its going to be quite sad because the whole experience and the people I've met has been fantastic.

Ho Chi Minh City in the rain
My lessons have been going well and so far they are all 'to standard'. For my third piece of coursework I had to make a lesson using a piece of 'authentic material' such as an article from a newpaper or some song lyrics. I chose  the Maria Carey classic 'all I want for Christmas' which was strange to listen to when its 30 degrees outside ... I passed the assignment!!

I'm still undecided where I'm going to work after next week. The ILA's HR officer came as spoke to us about having interviews to work at the school as there is a demand for teachers starting next month. 

City shot of HSMC

There are over 50 language schools in HCMC alone so I may take some time to look around before committing. Also the idea of working in Cambodia is appealing as I really liked the place. Other options are Japan and China.

My course finishes next friday and I'll stay in HCMC until at least mid the following week. I do feel like I need some time to chill out after a tough month so may well travel up to the north of Vietnam for a few more weeks of adventures whilst looking into the different options for work....... its a hard life!

I saw the local businessmen 'bamboo man' again this week and you 'll be pleased to hear business appears to be good (see last weeks blog), I think his main business dealings are in the area around my school, however ive been reliably informed at its not actualy bamboo he's selling it's sugar cane so he's now known as 'sugar cane man'.

Saturday 6 August 2011

CELTA, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - Week 2/4

Lunch time at one of the roadside eateries
Just finshed the second week of my course. They weren't lying when they said it was an intense course. I've been getting into the school at 7am when it opens and staying till 9:30pm when it closes to keep up with the workload and it still feels like I could do more work. Its pretty stressful at times having to get lessons planned for the next day but its a great feeling when its over. Ive completed half of my assignments and done 5 of my 9 lessons. Next week is going to be very tough too as ive 3 more lessons and an assignment to hand in but week 4 should be a bit easier.

Big jugs!
The teaching is going well and I'm improving with every lesson. The learning of how to plan a lesson is priceless and I don't think I'd be able to teach without having done this course. Every day I get suprised at how friendly the people and particularly students are at the school. They vary in age between 18 and 30 but they are all so nice and seem alot younger than their actual ages. Pronuncing the names is always a challenge. One of the students in my current class is called 'Phuc' which is hard to say and keep a straight face. However I did find out in Cambodia that my name 'Joel' translates very closely to 'fart' in Cambodian which provided the Khmers I met with alot of laughs.

The local Bamboo seller
I went out with everyone for the course last night  to unwind and had some beers after a tough week. Its really good to have such nice people going through the same experience as me. The restaurant did some great food and the shrimps were the best ive tasted. I'm starting to try more food and eat at the local eateries during the day on the streets. Some of the combinations of flavours are amazing and like nothing ive tasted.

I've got a full weekend of lesson planning and coursework ahead of me but only two weeks to go!

I still chuckle at some of the thing I see when I'm here. Check out the guy above selling Bamboo from his bicycle...