Thursday 19 May 2011

Bangkok - Sightseeing

Had a good nights sleep which was to be expected after the long day yesterday and have just finished my first full day of sightseeing in Bangkok. It's been very hot, humid with lots of walking but good fun too.

I won’t go into all the details but I saw most of the main sights in the old part of the city including the Grand Palace (it really was very grand!) Watt Arun (looks like the Jedi temple – see below) and a couple of massive Buddha statues.

Watt Arun aka The Jedi Temple
Had a few interesting experiences along the way. I went in a tuk-tuk for the first time which as anyone who has been in would know it’s an experience. Also went into one empty temple where a very excited Thai man started a conversation with me. He was very excited as there was going to be a special service in an hour time attended by members of the public and monks. He was a nice chap and showed me around the grounds and explained the 7 different types of Buddha. He even took the day off work so he could go to this event!?

'Talos' Buddha

I went on a boat ride around the canals which as well as getting to see lots and lots of temples was interesting to see how some people live. The boatman also pointed out a baby alligator / crocodile swimming in the canal... He seemed to find this quite amusing although I’m not sure how amusing he will find this if he bumps into it again in a few years time.
Finally I went into another temple by which point I was very hungry, they were serving pat-tai in the gardens, when I asked how much it was I was told it was free!!!! So I saved myself about 40p!! But being the only western looking person in the gardens I had to observe everyone watching me eat my food.
I’m pretty much ‘templed out’ now and when you look at the photos you probably will be too. I’m going to move to the other side of the city tomorrow and look to book my train ticket to the south.
I know I mentioned how hot it is here but it really is very hot... Event the tuk-tuk driver commented on how hot it was so it must be pretty extreme.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm theres no such thing as a free lunch joeleen. I would have been suspicious of that!! Wheres the catch?
