Wednesday 18 May 2011

Arrived In Bangkok


Ive arrived in Bangkok and am giving my first update from an Internet cafe at the Hostel where I'm staying. Ive not done much but just wanted to let everyone know (well my mum) that ive made it and am ok.

The flights were fine but it's been a long day and although ive only had about 4 hours sleep in the past 36 hours I feel pretty good. I also got to see the Burj Khalifi when we flew in and out of Dubai which I was chuffed about.

I knew Bangkok was going to be hot but not this hot..... I've never felt humidity like this before, carrying the rucksac whilst I was finding my hostel in a strange place for about an hour and a half was not fun but a good experience. Really is a strange place and like nothing ive experienced before but the people seem very friendly and smile alots which is nice.

Will be starting the sight seeing tomorrow but feel I will need an early night tonight to get used to the time difference.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear you got to Thailand ok Joeleen. The oxley adventure begins here !!
