Thursday 26 May 2011

Ko Samui

I've arrived safely in an Island off the east coast of Thailand called Ko Samui and been here 4 days now... I can't believe how quickly it has gone!

The journey down on the overnight train from Bangkok was an interesting experience. On the bunk bed oposite me was a monk in all his orange robes. He was very quiet and just red his book before going to bed early.

After departing from the train at 7am the next morning I caught a coach then ferry to the Island, the views form the boat were amazing. I opted to stay in a resort called Lamai which is the second largest on the Island. The beach is amazing (see the pictures) Its a bit like the Island on 'lost' but with lots of building and sunbeds. The street behind the beach is very much like a resort but also its quite a thai girly area which I didn't realise before I came here.

Since being here I've been on a tour of the Island which involved seeing more giant Buddhas, rocks shapes like private parts, a fantastic waterfall, working monkeys and a mummified monk

Met some nice people on this Island since ive been here. I had to write off one day as I went out with a guy from the hostel and ended up staying out till 8:30am which ive never done before. This meant I spent the rest of the day recovering. It was an interesting and entertaining evening though.

Im looking to move from this resort tomorrow and probably going to the Island north called Ko Pa-ngan. Ive seen alot of people come and go in the past few days so don't want to stay here much longer as I may become like major in faulty towers.

Ive added a new album to my gallery so please have a look.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Last night in Bangkok

Ive booked train south and after 4 days am leaving Bangkok. Its been a big culture shock but a good experience. Im getting the overnight train tomorrow night from Bangkok to Surat Thani in the south and then getting a ferry over to Ko Samui for a few days.

Bangkok to Surat Thani
In the last few days ive been exploring more of the city. I moved to a new hostel in a different area, although the hostel is better there is not as much to see and I think I pretty much did all the best stuff on day one. Since the last update i've been to a chinese market, Siam Square and to some of the shopping centres which was great as they all had air con.

I used the sky train today for the first time. It only operates over half of the city but is so much better than the tuk tuks and taxis which take ages to get anywhere.

Im looking forward to the change. I think Bangkoks a good place to experience but with it being so busy, hot and difficult to negotiate Im looking forward to something more laid back and seeing some beaches.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Bangkok - Sightseeing

Had a good nights sleep which was to be expected after the long day yesterday and have just finished my first full day of sightseeing in Bangkok. It's been very hot, humid with lots of walking but good fun too.

I won’t go into all the details but I saw most of the main sights in the old part of the city including the Grand Palace (it really was very grand!) Watt Arun (looks like the Jedi temple – see below) and a couple of massive Buddha statues.

Watt Arun aka The Jedi Temple
Had a few interesting experiences along the way. I went in a tuk-tuk for the first time which as anyone who has been in would know it’s an experience. Also went into one empty temple where a very excited Thai man started a conversation with me. He was very excited as there was going to be a special service in an hour time attended by members of the public and monks. He was a nice chap and showed me around the grounds and explained the 7 different types of Buddha. He even took the day off work so he could go to this event!?

'Talos' Buddha

I went on a boat ride around the canals which as well as getting to see lots and lots of temples was interesting to see how some people live. The boatman also pointed out a baby alligator / crocodile swimming in the canal... He seemed to find this quite amusing although I’m not sure how amusing he will find this if he bumps into it again in a few years time.
Finally I went into another temple by which point I was very hungry, they were serving pat-tai in the gardens, when I asked how much it was I was told it was free!!!! So I saved myself about 40p!! But being the only western looking person in the gardens I had to observe everyone watching me eat my food.
I’m pretty much ‘templed out’ now and when you look at the photos you probably will be too. I’m going to move to the other side of the city tomorrow and look to book my train ticket to the south.
I know I mentioned how hot it is here but it really is very hot... Event the tuk-tuk driver commented on how hot it was so it must be pretty extreme.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Arrived In Bangkok


Ive arrived in Bangkok and am giving my first update from an Internet cafe at the Hostel where I'm staying. Ive not done much but just wanted to let everyone know (well my mum) that ive made it and am ok.

The flights were fine but it's been a long day and although ive only had about 4 hours sleep in the past 36 hours I feel pretty good. I also got to see the Burj Khalifi when we flew in and out of Dubai which I was chuffed about.

I knew Bangkok was going to be hot but not this hot..... I've never felt humidity like this before, carrying the rucksac whilst I was finding my hostel in a strange place for about an hour and a half was not fun but a good experience. Really is a strange place and like nothing ive experienced before but the people seem very friendly and smile alots which is nice.

Will be starting the sight seeing tomorrow but feel I will need an early night tonight to get used to the time difference.

Monday 16 May 2011

Leaving tomorrow

Ok, so ive packed my bags and think im ready. My flight is 2:30pm from Gatwick which arrives in Dubai at midnight. I then get a flight from Dubai at 3:00am to Bangkok arriving at 12pm. Weather forcast is thunder storms!!!!!

Thursday 5 May 2011

First Blog......England

Ok, I'll be flying to Bangkok, Thailand on 17th May 2011 and need to be in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to start my CELTA course on 25th July 2011. Between May and July I'll be moving around Thailand and Cambodia. The plan is to head to south Thailand after Bangkok before heading to the north of the country. From here I will be going to Cambodia.

After finishing my CELTA on 19th August I will be looking to teach English in Vietnam for a 12 month period. Hopfully in a couple of locations (either Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Vung Tau or Ha Noi) with 6 months in each place.

Here we go.....