Tuesday 16 April 2019

The hot weather, Ho Chi Minh City, 2019

It's time for my annual complaint about how to it is. Its the time of the year where it keeps getting hotter and hotter until rainy season arrives. The picture below sums up how it feels.

Although its in the mid-late 30s, it feels much hotter.

The real feel below is in the early 40s. I'm lucky that I'm in an air conditioned office most of the day but going outside is pretty unbearable. We just had a holiday weekend and it really limited what there was to do due to the heat. Really don't know how people coped without A/C.

Anyway, hoping it breaks soon and the rain arrives. We've not had any yet. Some good news is that in about 4 weeks we're off to Taiwan for a week. Not much else to report as I'm working hard and completing my masters.

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