Friday 1 March 2019

Vung Tau, Vietnam 2019.2

Last weekend we decided to take a weekend break to Vung Tau. We decided to drive the 2/3 hours to the city on the coast. This is my second trip to Vung Tau this year.

It wasn't a particularly nice journey, the roads were very busy and it was very hot!! We had a nice hotel with a nice pool and a good view of the town.

Our bedroom was pretty cool too, we had a good view of one of the mountains that overlooks the town.

For dinner we went to this very nice pizza restaurant called Davids, which gave us a nice view of the sun-setting over the water. 

It was a really nice break and good to get away from the city for a few days.

Back to work on Monday 4th March, I'm starting a 10 week semester so there will be no more trips until the middle of May.

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