Thursday 6 December 2018

The decorations in the gym at work 2018

Its time for the annual post to show off the decorations at my work's gym for 2018. This follow on from those in 2016 and 2017. Please see the links below. To summarize, both years have had a tree in between the running machines but in 2016 there was a 'wishing wall' in the reception area while 2017 displayed a big christmassy RMIT sign.

In sad to report that this year there is no display in the reception area but there is a tree in the gym! 

I believe it's the same tree from last year but I was disappointed that there was nothing on the top. It appears they have lost the star which was on the tree in 2016 and 2017. I may ask the staff what happened or buy one myself. I will also keep an eye on the reception area in case they have something big planned but have not gotten around to putting it up yet.

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