Sunday 2 December 2018

Angkor Wat International Half Marathon, Siem Reap Cambodia

Today I ran the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon. This has been one of my goals since I first heard about it in 2011. 

I had to arrive at the start of 5:30am as it starts at 6am. This meant being awake at 4:20am to the get tuk-tuk to the temples, a 20 minute drive from the town centre. 


There were thousands of people there and I finally got to see a good sunrise at Angkor Wat!!! 

The race didn't start at 6am, it started at 6:20am which isn't normally a problem except every 10 minutes really makes a difference with the heat. I wanted to be finished by 8am as it starts to get really hot. Fortunately, pretty much all the run was under the shade.  

I didn't take any pictures around the track as I was busy running but it was a fantastic run and went past all the great temples. It was a really pleasant run and it went as well as I could have expected. I finished in 2:05 which I'm pretty pleased with since I wen form being able to run zero miles three months ago.

I took a tuk-tuk home and took the following two photos from the back. I was very happy!!!

Anyway, we book out our hotel at 12pm and fly back at 9pm, then its back to work tomorrow morning at 8am as fresh as a daisy!!

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