Wednesday 28 November 2018

Running in Lumpini Park, Bangkok

As previously stated. I will be running the Angkor Wat Half Marathon at the end of the week. This means i still need to do a few short runs in whilst in Bangkok. Before I came here I did some research and made sure I was staying very close to a place to run. This is Lumphini Park, conveniently located on by the metro and sky-train. 

It was a really nice park and one of the few places to have a proper run in Bangkok. It's 2.5km as a circuit and pretty good for running. There were hundreds of other running the same route at the same time as me. Running is a pretty popular past time in Thailand.

There are also lots of people doing various aerobic classes in the park to music and I saw an enormous lizard!

The park was nice and green and a pleasant find in Bangkok.


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