Thursday 17 November 2016

Takapuna, New Zealand

Because we booked our trip very late, all of the hotels were booked in Auckland city center. The closest place we could find were some apartments in a place called Takapuna, about 10km from Auckland centre.

See Takapuna above Auckland

This sounded like a lot of work but because buses are so good in New Zealand, the commute was really nice. Also We got to drive over the harbor bridge every day which gave us a great view of the city. 

What has immediately struck me about Auckland is how similar the climate and look for the place is to England. Takapuna is a really nice, quite suburb. Staying here has been great as you get a feel for how local people live. 

As you can see, its a lot like England. Its very clean and fresh. The weather has been a bit mixed. Its late spring here so we've has some wet days and sunny days. The cool weather has been a refreshing change from the heat of Vietnam. 


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