Sunday 20 November 2016

Takapuna Beach, New Zealand

As my flight was not until the afternoon, I had time to go for a walk in Takapuna to a place that was recommended to us. It was the local beach in Takapuna.

It was a nice spring morning and there were lots of people out walking their dogs and exercising. 

Apart from proper beer, this is one of the other things I miss about living in Vietnam, being able to go for nice walks. As anyone who has been to Ho Chi Minh City knows, its not really a place for walking.

So, this is the end of my New Zealand trip! I can't believe I got to go here with work. I've learnt a lot and had a great time. Although I've not really got to see anything its been great nevertheless. I arrive back in Ho Chi Minh City (after 14 hours of flying) just after midnight and have to be at work at 7:30am as its an assessment week. It's not going to be easy but the tradfe off was worth it.

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