Wednesday 20 April 2016

Belgium Beer Festival, Cargo Bar, Ho Chi Minh City

This past weekend there was a Belgium beer festival in Ho Chi Minh City! 

It was held at Cargo Bar in district 2. Cargo bar is a big warehouse on the docks which has been turned into a venue for live music and other events. Since most of the events are loud music events, I don't go here often.

They had a number of beer stands with different Belgium beers. I'm guessing there were about 20 beers overall.

As you can see it was pretty busy and I'm sure pretty much every expat in Ho Chi Minh City attended. It was very busy in the big warehouse which along with the incredibly hot weather and no air conditioning made for a very sweaty event.

Most people from my office went and we all had a pretty good time. This is the second year in a row they have done the BBF, I hope they can do it again next year and possibly include beer festivals from other countries around the world.

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