Monday 4 April 2016

Last day in Taiwan! Maokong Gondola and Tamsui

So, the last day of our holiday has arrived but we still had a busy day ahead of us. We had an early start and went to the last metro stop to go on the Maokong Gondola. This is a Gondola that takes you up into the mountains. 

This took about 20 minutes and gave more great views of the countryside. At the top of the mountain was a little town famous for growing tea. You can buy all sorts of tea products. Tea, tea ice cream and tea soap to name but a few.

I did have a very strange eating experience whilst on the mountain. It was an ice cream wrap with grated peanut and coriander.

I'm not sure how this came around but I can tell you that coriander does not go with ice cream and ice cream doesn't really go with wraps.

On the way back we managed to get a Gondola with a glass floor! Cool!

In the early afternoon we made our way to another last stop on the metro, a place called Tamsui. It took about 30 minutes to get to and really felt like you were leaving the city.

It was a lovely place right on the coast and very relaxing. We chilled out in the park, looked around and had some more nice food before our long night ahead of us flying home.

Also in Tamsui I had the biggest Ice cream I've ever had in my life. I wasn't put off by the early incident with the ice cream wrap. 

So, that's the end of the Taiwan adventure. I have to say this is probably one of the best places I've ever been for all the reasons mentioned throughout this post, scenery, food, transport, people and shops.

Even in 10 days we still didn't get a chance to see loads of other great places in the country and this is somewhere I'd definitely come back to. until lots of my teacher buddies visited Taiwan and came back saying how amazing it was I never thought of this place as a tourist destination.

I'll certainly be looking to come back here again!!!

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