Thursday 5 May 2016

5 years since my first post

Just a quick post to say that today is five years since my first blog post. FIVE YEARS! It's hard to believe that I started this journey five years ago. Below is a copy of that first post.

I really didn't know what to expect when I left the UK and reflecting back I really didn't have a clue what it would be like. The 10 weeks travelling before starting the CELTA were some of the best memories I have. As you can see the initial plan of staying in Vietnam for 12 months didn't really happen. I originally thought I'd be in Brazil for the 2014 football World Cup but five years later I'm still in HCMC. But that's a good thing as I wouldn't be here if I didn't enjoy it. In the five years I've done and seen so much. I've got the CELT-YL and DELTA, I've been to Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, all over Vietnam and met great people. Also culturally, what was all really different to me when I got here is now all very normal.

Not sure what direction my blog will go in the future. My friend suggested I do this before I left the UK and I'm glad I did as I look back and I've pretty much written about everything I've done and its good to see how I've grown as time has progressed.

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