Thursday 15 October 2015

One more week of Delta module 2

After 7 hellish weeks I'm nearing the end of the Delta module 2 training course. So far it's been all good news and I've passed three out of the three assignments and only have one more to go. It's not been all clear sailing for everyone as some people have failed some parts of the assignment. Each assignment requires a 2,500 word background essay and a 5,000 lesson plan. In addition to the 7,500 words for each lesson I had to write another experimental practise lesson plan and essay which was about 5,000 words and a professional development document which was 2,500 words, this totals around 30,000 words so far which does not include the other 7,500 words I still have to write for my final paper. So by the end of the eight weeks I will have written 37,500 words.

My assignments so far have been on 'speaking - improving fluency in long turns', 'grammar - helping lower level learners use the present perfect continuous and present perfect simple' and my personal favorite 'phonology - raising awareness of elision in connected speech', all very interesting I think you'll agree!

The final assignment is the most important and we have to pass it. The reason is we are externally assessed and Cambridge are flying a guy in from England to watch our lessons. All I know about him is that he's a doctor and gets paid to fly around the world and watch people teach - not a bad gig. The topic of the paper is 'Reading - developing top down processing for high level learners' - another winner I hope. I have to teach the lesson next Wednesday morning so this time next week it will all be over!

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