Monday 26 October 2015

DELTA Module 2 - Finished!

Yesterday was a great day as it signalled the end of my eight week delta course. To say it's been a tough eight weeks is an understatement. I've written a total of over 37,500 words, taught about 12 hours of classes, watched about 30 hours of others teach and attended 60 hours of input sessions. So, yes, I'm glad its over and glad I'll be going back to work on Monday. 

Photo with a number of the students.
On Friday morning we had a party with a number of the students that we've been teaching. We all brought in various treats. I went to Dunkin' Doughnuts which is always a winner. After this we had some admin stuff to do before getting to the pub for about 12pm. We opted to go to a rooftop bar where we spent the next 10 hours. I've taken some pictures of the rooftop bar before it got messy which offers some very nice views of the city. 

Anyway, back to work and normal life on Monday, now the Delta is finished I can start thinking about other stuff.

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