Thursday 11 December 2014

Flying back to England for Christmas 2014

Tomorrow I fly back to England to visit family and friends. I'll be staying for 3 weeks before flying back to Vietnam on 2nd January 2015. Once again I'll be flying with Emirates and leaving at 0030 hours on 13th December 2014 on flight EK393 from SGN to DXB then leaving Dubai at 0745 on 13th December 2014 on flight EK001 and arriving at LHR at 1135 where my mum and dad will pick me up.

Its been 693 days since I last visited England at the end of 2011. This is actually longer than my first stint away from home by about five months. I'm really looking forward to seeing my family and some nice cold weather.

I have my darts end of season party tomorrow night which starts at 7pm. This is where I get to go on stage and hold aloft my 'division 3 champion' trophy. Sadly I need to be at the airport at 9:30pm. I may well go along for an hour to try and get my trophy but may miss going on stage to collect it.

Anyway, since this is 'Joel's South East Asia website' I won't be updating it whilst I'm in Europe but I'll be back in the new year. So I'll take this opportunity to say Happy Christmas!

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Sugar Cane Man - The Next Generation

I went out for dinner the other night in the backpacker area. There is a really nice restaurant where you get to sit at a table on the street and watch the world go by. I don't go to the backpacker area much anymore since I live about 20 minutes away from it so it was nice to pay it a visit.

Anyway, whilst I was sitting there eating my dinner who should come along? Sugar cane man! But this was not the sugar cane man from three years ago, this was a new younger sugar cane man. 

He stopped right in front of us whilst one of the ladies spoke to him. What happened next was very unexpected, now I'm not sure if this was a service the old sugar cane man offered but there appears to be some product diversification going on in that the lady he was speaking to got him to take one of his sugar canes off his trolley and cut it up for her. She then sat there in front of us munching on it. 

Sugar cane man and the sugar cane
I wasn't aware that the sugar cane was so versatile. Not only can it be crushed into a refreshing drink but it can also be made into a nutritious snack. This made me think about sugar cane and what else I don't know about it so I did some research and found an interesting article on the health benefits of sugar cane. You can read it below but in summary is good for your skin,hair and general health.

After this the research snowballed really. There is also another website called Check out this for an opening paragraph on their website:

'Sugarcane can play a role helping to solve many of the top challenges confronting government officials and global leaders. This remarkable plant has the potential to lower carbon dioxide emissions, create jobs, reduce petroleum use and help create a healthier, cleaner planet. Learn more about sugarcane’s many benefits.'

So it appears there is much more to sugar cane that meets the eye! It may actually be a solution to many of the worlds problems. Basically this website will tell you anything and everything you need to know about sugarcane.

I'm not sure if the other sugar cane man was aware of all this now that he's retired. I like to think he was. nevertheless it was nice to see that the sugar cane industry is alive and well and attracting a younger workforce to drive it forward in the 21st century.

Thursday 4 December 2014

Christmas is coming to Ho Chi Minh City 2014

Christmas is coming to Ho Chi Minh City! Everyone has an opinion on when the correct time to put up Christmas decorations should be. Many people would believe this is the first weekend in December. I can report that I saw my first Christmas tree in Ho Chi Minh City at the beginning of November. This was in a hairdressers near my house. Pretty much the whole city had there decorations up on display before the 1st December. This seem pretty unusual for a country that never really celebrated Christmas but I suppose with globalization, consumerism and the money to be made it was only a matter of time.

The picture above is of the Christmas tree in the awesome, free gym at my University. It's not in the gym reception but actually in the gym nestled between two running machines and behind the scales. This is something I've not seen before but quite nice to see nevertheless and therefore warrants a blog post.

I had my DELTA module one exam yesterday, I think it went well. It was all very official. The exams are posted from Cambridge in England and opened in front of us at our desk in a very secure looking envelope. At the end of the exam they were sealed in an equally secure looking envelope to be sent straight back to Cambridge for marking. I kindly offered to take them to the post office but the chief examiner wasn't having any of it. I get the results in two months.

Flying back to England for Christmas at the end of next week. Very excited!

Monday 1 December 2014

DELTA Module one exam at ILA

A few months ago I blogged that I am currently studying for the DELTA module one exam. The DELTA is the diploma in English language teaching to adults. Well this has been ongoing and this Wednesday is the big day and I have the module one exam.

I've been doing this distance learning with International House though their website but I need to sit the exam at an exam centre and the exam centre in Ho Chi Minh City is at my old school, ILA. This is where I worked for two years and studied for the CELTA.

I went to pay my exam fee a few days back and visit the place. Its not changed much but the staff there are all teachers who I used to work with.

Its a three hour exam in total. Two papers of 1.5 hours. The past three months have involved a fair amount of work in learning terminology and different grammatical structures. All stuff I knew but not really how to explain.

I'll be glad when its over, it has been fairly stressful and involved most of my weekends to study. After this Wednesday I can start to relax and look forward to going back to England for Christmas!