Thursday 20 November 2014

Tuesday night darts – Game 14 of 14 – The Tavern vs B.I.A

The last game of the season was a home match against B.I.A. The team that plays at one of the most overpriced bars in Saigon which since getting promoted I won't have to go to next season. As I said fortunately we were playing at home so beer was reasonably priced. Enough about beer, onto the darts.

Team photo! The Tavern - Division 3 champions!
It was a fairly standard evening in all. We were winning 3-2 after triples and doubles then we won five of the six singles games which meant going into the last game, which we also won, we had a match winning lead. The final score was 9 - 3. I was third up in the singles and got to play the guy who beat me last time which was nice as I was pretty confident I could win... and win I did! It was a fairly comfortable 2-0 win. I didn't play great in the first leg but in the second I checked out with my first throw at a double.

The final table is below.

Top of the league... happy days! There have been some other interesting statistics from the season are below. I've got them from the website which if anyone is interesting in can check out at

The first one is of my record for the season. My goal at the start of the season was to win as many games as I lost. I achieved this having won 9 and lost 5. You can see there are some interesting names on the chart including Manneken Pis and Porridge. These are not real names but 'dart names' - I think.

The next is the list of top players in our league. I finished a respectable 15th out of about 65 players. I was fourth for my team which was pretty good considering our top three players finished 1st, 2nd and 3rd for the season. I finished with 108 points which again is respectable. I set the goal of 100 points halfway through the season so, again I'm happy.

So, that's it for the darts season. There is a singles tournament next week which will be all players in a knockout tournament for division 3. I've entered it. If I get through the qualifiers the finals night will be in two weeks.

Also I found out that the end of season award ceremony is on Friday 12th December which is the evening I'm supposed to be flying back to the UK for Christmas. I may be able to do both but my have to limit the booze consumption by going straight from the party to the airport.

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