Sunday 27 July 2014

TESOLtalks conference at RMIT

Not much to report really. Working hard, playing football, eating and sleeping at the moment. Rainy season is upon us and were getting some impressive downpours. I'll try and get one on camera at some point.

As I've not much to report. I thought I'd share news of a conference I went to yesterday. It was arranged by my university, RMIT, in partnership with some other schools in the area and called TESOLtalks.

These conferences are always good as it gives me a chance to reflect on my teaching. They aren't always the most fun things in the world but whenever I attend them I try to come away with something practical that I can use in the classroom.

This event was about engaging students in your lesson with ideas on how to make them more fun. We started with a presentation with some good ideas and then had a questions time style panel discussion about the finer points of student engagement.

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