Monday 14 July 2014

RMIT staff football match

So I've been back to work for a few weeks after my holiday in Bali. Work is going well and I've been moved to teach a new level for the next semester (advanced plus). This past Friday we had a staff football match after work.
The Academic team
It was the academic staff against the non-teaching staff so basically western teachers against the Vietnamese staff.
The non-academic team
It was a very enjoyable game. We started poorly and went two goals down but pulled it back to 2-2 by half time. In the second half we went 3-2 down before equalising to bring it back to 3-3. With about 10 minutes left we conceded again and just as it looked like we would loose we scored with the last kick of the game.
The match at RMIT's sports field
As the World Cup is on at the moment we thought it would be fair to end the game with a penalty shootout. I took the second penalty and scored. I'm also pleased to say that after taking about 10 penalties each, we won!!!!
The winners trophy
I played centre back during the match and it was very nice to play 11 a side again. I'm always playing 5 and 6 a side here to it made a good change. After the match we had some refreshments put on for the players and spectators. It was a very enjoyable evening.
Me with the 'man of the match' - the Scottish Michael Owen
Football is very popular out here and the city has loads of 6-a-side pitches. There are always people arranging games and facebook groups getting people together to play. I think you could play football every night if you wanted. I've played football three times in the past four days!!!!!

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