Saturday 26 October 2013

My first 3 weeks at RMIT

I've just finished my third week at my new teaching job at RMIT and I'm please to report its going well. I teach for 4 hours a day but have to be on campus for 8 hours which is fine as it give me time to plan. I teach from 1pm - 5:30pm so get to my desk around 9:30am.
The view from upstairs
Its a great university. The facilities are resources are amazing. I'm teaching upper intermediate students so most of the teaching is skills that will get them ready for university such as writing argumentative essays.
The building
The University has some great sports facilities. There is a free gym which I've been using after work everyday and the sports hall is great. Every evening before I use the gym the students are doing sports such as basketball and badminton. There is even a Ken do class where they all dress up and smash each other with sticks which looks fun.
A lecture theatre
The bad news is my commute to and from work and only be described as hellish. There are so many cars and motorbikes on the roads its unreal. Its also dark which doesn't help and just to make it even more perilous its usually raining due to it being rainy season. But not just normal rain, I get thunder and lightening too. Which in a way is quite nice when you look at in the distance as I come into the city against the city skyline.
My motorbike I bought for $200 a year and a half ago has served me well but I may have to trade it in for something that doesn't sound like it could die at any minute. I'm also looking at moving closer to work to get out of this commute from hell as my contract is up soon at my current house.

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