Sunday 27 October 2013

A New motorbike - Yamaha Nouvo

This past weekend I bought myself a new motorbike. The one I bought for $200 18 months ago was sounding a bit ropey and since I'm travelling further to work I got another one. My first bike was a Honda Wave. It was sad to say goodbye to it (I gave it away) but its ok. My new one is a Yamaha Nouvo - Ned edition. I'm not exactly sure what 'Ned-Edition' is but its a nice looking bike and more sturdy than the Honda.

What I also like about this bike is that the speed-o-meter works so I know how fast I'm going. Also the mile-o-meter works too. I bought this one for $400 which I think is a bargain. Its done about 65,000 miles.
So, I have a new job and a new motorbike. I just need to get a new house now.

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