Wednesday 30 October 2013

Unexpected Darts Glory

The other night was a special evening. My mate at worked invited me to a darts tournament. A pub landlord was replacing his old darts board and was arranging a darts tournament where the winner would get the old darts board. Darts boards aren't cheap and since I wasn't busy I thought I'd go along. The pub was called 'the rusty bucket' in district 7.

Me with my prize and cash
 I haven't played in a while so wasn't expecting much. There was only 6 of us so we decided to do a round robin tournament where we all play each other and the winner gets the prize, the landlord was playing and another chap from his darts team as well as three other from work. To make it more interesting we all put 100,000VND in the prize pot ($5 each).

The score board
I'm pleased to report (as you may have guessed from the title of the blog) that I won the competition! I won 4 games and lost 1. It was the best record so I won the darts board and $25!. We played 301 one leg. It was good fun and has made me consider rejoining a darts team which will be easier now I'm not teaching on Tuesday evening. Watch this space.

Sunday 27 October 2013

A New motorbike - Yamaha Nouvo

This past weekend I bought myself a new motorbike. The one I bought for $200 18 months ago was sounding a bit ropey and since I'm travelling further to work I got another one. My first bike was a Honda Wave. It was sad to say goodbye to it (I gave it away) but its ok. My new one is a Yamaha Nouvo - Ned edition. I'm not exactly sure what 'Ned-Edition' is but its a nice looking bike and more sturdy than the Honda.

What I also like about this bike is that the speed-o-meter works so I know how fast I'm going. Also the mile-o-meter works too. I bought this one for $400 which I think is a bargain. Its done about 65,000 miles.
So, I have a new job and a new motorbike. I just need to get a new house now.

Saturday 26 October 2013

My first 3 weeks at RMIT

I've just finished my third week at my new teaching job at RMIT and I'm please to report its going well. I teach for 4 hours a day but have to be on campus for 8 hours which is fine as it give me time to plan. I teach from 1pm - 5:30pm so get to my desk around 9:30am.
The view from upstairs
Its a great university. The facilities are resources are amazing. I'm teaching upper intermediate students so most of the teaching is skills that will get them ready for university such as writing argumentative essays.
The building
The University has some great sports facilities. There is a free gym which I've been using after work everyday and the sports hall is great. Every evening before I use the gym the students are doing sports such as basketball and badminton. There is even a Ken do class where they all dress up and smash each other with sticks which looks fun.
A lecture theatre
The bad news is my commute to and from work and only be described as hellish. There are so many cars and motorbikes on the roads its unreal. Its also dark which doesn't help and just to make it even more perilous its usually raining due to it being rainy season. But not just normal rain, I get thunder and lightening too. Which in a way is quite nice when you look at in the distance as I come into the city against the city skyline.
My motorbike I bought for $200 a year and a half ago has served me well but I may have to trade it in for something that doesn't sound like it could die at any minute. I'm also looking at moving closer to work to get out of this commute from hell as my contract is up soon at my current house.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Seahorse Resort, Phan Thiet

I've just returned from a short break at a resort in Phan Thiet. It was a lovely break and a fantastic resort. Phan Thiet is a six hour coach journey from Ho Chi Minh City. 

The resort was very luxurious. It had its own private beach, a swimming pool and a beautiful garden.

During the day we went to the beach and relaxed by the pool and at night we went into the town to have some yummy food.

It was nice to get out of the city for a few days and relax before I start m new job tomorrow. Pham Thiet is a great place and somewhere I'd come back to for relaxation in the future.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

A Midweek break in Phan Thiet

For the next few days I'm going to a place for a nice relaxing break in a lovely resort in a place called Phan Thiet. I've been here before but not stayed at such a nice resort. 

We're leaving on Thursday and coming back in Saturday before I start work on Monday. Phan Thiet is about 4-6 hours from Ho Chi Minh City. The bus for this journey was about 5 pounds each.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Staying 'thank you' to my teaching assistants at ILA

In my classes at ILA I have one teaching assistant (TA) to help out with the class management and contacting parents. I've worked with a lot of TAs and for a long time at ILA. As a way of saying thank you I wanted to take then out for lunch. On my last day I did this. Where is the best place to take a group off nice ladies to say thank you? - KFC of course.

Having lunch at KFC
It was a really nice lunch and I felt good for getting to say than you to them all. Everyone likes KFC in Vietnam so it was good choice. They have all been really helpful in class and it's been nice working with them and sharing the experiences and fun times with the classes.

The man himself- Col Sanders