Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Cabling in Vietnam

Only one week till my holiday so still working hard with not much to report. This weeks picture is of the cabling which you see on every street in the city. As you can see it's a mess and not very organised. I've always thought they must have no idea what any of it is. I Think its a combination of all types of cables.

The Vietnamese cables.
This picture reminded me of one morning at my house when the power went out. Now, this is nothing unusual in Vietnam as there are frequent power cuts but the power usually comes back on quickly, however on this day it didn't. Eventually, with no air-con my room got uncomfortably hot so I left the house. At the end of the road were a load of repair men who had taken the who pole containing the cables down and had them laying on the road. They were all stood around scratching their heads trying to work out what cable is what. I'm not sure what time the power went back on as I didn't both to go back home till late that night.

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