Tuesday 30 July 2013

Holiday to the middle of Vietnam

Its Holiday time again. I have about 10 days off now and am flying to explore the middle of Vietnam. The three places I'm going to are Danang, Hoi An and Hue. I'm quite excited as there's lots to see and do. I'll also be doing a day trip to a place called My Son which has lots of temple ruins.

I fly on Thursday 1st August from Ho Chi Minh City to Danang. I'll be spending two days in Danang where I plan to hire a motorbike and explore. Then its off to Hoi An for a few days with a trip to My Son and finally a train to Hue for a day. I've got an extra couple of flexi days so the Itinerary could change.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Cabling in Vietnam

Only one week till my holiday so still working hard with not much to report. This weeks picture is of the cabling which you see on every street in the city. As you can see it's a mess and not very organised. I've always thought they must have no idea what any of it is. I Think its a combination of all types of cables.

The Vietnamese cables.
This picture reminded me of one morning at my house when the power went out. Now, this is nothing unusual in Vietnam as there are frequent power cuts but the power usually comes back on quickly, however on this day it didn't. Eventually, with no air-con my room got uncomfortably hot so I left the house. At the end of the road were a load of repair men who had taken the who pole containing the cables down and had them laying on the road. They were all stood around scratching their heads trying to work out what cable is what. I'm not sure what time the power went back on as I didn't both to go back home till late that night.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Statues on roundabouts

Not much to report so just another quick update. This weeks picture is of one of the many roundabouts which have a statue on it. It's quite a nice picture as it has the bitexico tower in the background. Not many of the locals know who these peopl are who have been made into stautes. Fortuantly this one had a name on it and it's of a chap called Tran Hung Dao.

Tran Hung Dao

I googled him and it turns out he was a milary leader in the 1300s. He is famous for his triple victories over the mighty Mongol Yuan Dynasty under Kublai Khan which are considered among some of the 'greatest military feats in world history'.

In two weeks time I will be going on holiday. It's 90% likely I'll be going to Hoi An, Danang and Hui for 10 days. I'm looking forward to it as I'm working hard at the moment and frankly a bit knackered.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

The big pink church near my house.

The picture in this blog is of a big pink church near my house. It chimes like Big Ben every hour (very useful for telling the time when lying in bed) and has a special chime at 5pm and 9pm when it plays a pleasent tune. Then it goes quite until 4:30am when it goes mental. It bangs and clacks for about a minute which frequently wakes me up. I've no idea why. It's also got a big statue of Jesus in its car park which I'll get a photo of soon.

Big pink church near my house
Not much else to report really. I'm still working hard but am now halfway through 2 x 10 week courses at my school. After this time I'll be able to go on holiday for 10 days. At the moment its either the middle of Vietnam or Singapore. I think I'd rather go to the middle of Vietnam as I can get a 10 day holiday there for the price of a 3 days holiday in Singapore but I'm not in any rush to make a decision.

I'm not sure I'll be going to Hanoi to watch Arsenal in the middle of this month now. This is for a number of reasons. firstly, getting tickets has been a pain and they don't go on sale until a week before the match which seems a bit weird. Secondly, they'll probably put out a very weak team as its very early pre-season, thirdly, I'd need to take time off work and finally I want to go on holiday at the end of July as well.

Apart from all this I'm keeping well and enjoying my work. It will be two years that I've been In Vietnam on 17th July! I can't believe how fast it's gone.