Sunday 1 July 2012

Our garden

Old bees nest
Still working hard so I've not been doing much exciting stuff. I'm sad to report that my darts team - The Blue Gecko is no more. Our captain was sturggling to get a team each week so resigned which left us in a stop of bother as no one else wanted to do it. Because we had to forfeit out last three weeks we have been chucked out the league. I'm considering joing another team but will see how things go at work as mt current timetable classes with darts night.

The old / new bees nest
Other news is that the bees that were in our garden have vanished. The did move to another tree in our garden but gave up and left. I'm not suprised as it can't be very nice trying to make honey in the current rainey season. Sadly that puts an end to the idea of making our own HCMC Honey.

I've still been seeing the cat. I chased it the other day on my motorbike. It escaped down and alley and up onto a ledge, no dobut there will be reprecussions for doing that

pomegranate in our garden.
The final picture is of a pomegranate that has been growing on a tree in our garden. I picked it and ate it. It was pretty nice.

Finally, I've got four more weeks at work and then I have two weeks off. I'm currently looking at the options of going to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and / or Dalat.

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