Thursday 19 July 2012

One year in Vietnam!!

Amazing beef!
Today is one year since I arrived in Vietnam after my 10 or so weeks of travelling. Can't believe it was a year ago. Things are still going well and I'm working hard. At the end of next week I have two weeks holiday so am currently planning where to go during m break. I've been confirmed that I'll be lecturing e-commerce again next semester and have English teaching hours so I'll be very busy for the next three months.

Amazing beef with mushroom sauce
As I've been busy I've still not done that much interesting stuff. I went to an all you can eat Brazilian BBQ place for lunch the other day (see attached pictures). It was quite expensive for Vietnam ($25) and the food was amazing. The steak was up there with the best I've had and they just kept bringing it. They also had ribs, prawns in bacon, lamb, sausages and other stuff. All amazing. We spent a few hours grazing before it got to the point where I just couldn't swallow any more food.

At the all you can drink for $5 bar on Pasteur street
As I have some free time on Wednesdays I've been going to a bar with my work mates where it all you can drink between 3pm and 7pm for the small fee of $5 (yes, $5) Tiger draft and San Miguel draft. Its good fun as we play darts and get some good games going. Due to my darts experience I get ganged up on so have to result to making allies and manipulation. The standard of darts drops as the day wears on.

We went yesterday and I can't remember getting home. When I woke up in the morning I found an empty doughnut box and a bag full of uneaten munchies on the floor so I must have stopped on the way home at the doughnut shop and 'shop and go'. Not sure if I got a taxi or motorbike home though.

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