Tuesday 17 April 2012

Not much happening

The driving test!
Not much has happened this week although I do have some good news and bad news. I have two bits of good news. Firstly I won my darts match last week, so I've moved up to 25 out of 100 people in the division rankings. Secondly one of my teacher friends went back to England and returned this week with a 6 pack of roast beef monster munch for me which brought a tear to my eye.

The bad news is that a cat seem to have taken a liking to coming into our house and sleeping on the sofa. I've chased it out on a number of occasions but the other night it came in and dropped a duke on the sofa. I was up early the next morning and failed to see it but missed it when I had breakfast. My flat mate who got up later wasn't so lucky and sat right on it. The cat went missing for a few days, the neighbour was looking for it but I can only assume it went into hiding, sadly its back now but we are taking precautions to make sure it doesn't happen again.

I'm in the process of getting a Vietnamese driving licence which is quite hard work. I have a driving test at the weekend which I have put a picture of above. It consists of driving around a small course and if I do that I can legally ride on some of the busiest streets in Asia!

Ive added another video from my travels. This one is of the Bayon temple near Angkor Wat. Its my favourite as all the faces are really cool.

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