Monday 9 April 2012

Birthday In Vietnam

Happy Birthday to me!!!
Yesterday was my birthday and my first away from England. As weekends are busy I worked for most of the day but got some time to relax in the evening. Sadly I couldn't go out and party as I had to be at work early this morning but I'll make up for it sometime soon. I've been really busy with work recently. So much so that since getting back form Vung Tau I've not really done much else. I don't mind however because its good fun. The picture here is of my birthday cake. I was from my favourite bakery called Tour les Jours who do these nice things called Croque Monsieur's - the Best thing to come out of France since Thierry Henry.

I though it might be nice to upload some of the videos I've taken of my travels as I've got no new stories to tell So below is a selection.

The first video is one I took around Christmas and is of me on the back of a bike travelling around the city. One you get up the courage to go on the back of a bike its a great way to get around and such a nice way to see the city. Look out for the old fella at the end with a bike full of flashing stuff.

The next video is of the long flight of starts at this temple I went to in Cambodia near Battenbang which pre-dates Angkor Watt. It was a very sweaty climb but worth it. The temple was cool and the view was great.

This video is of one of the trees growing out the temple called Ta Phram in Cambodia near Angkor Watt, its pretty awesome and like something from the movies.

The next video is some of the Bamboo train in Cambodia. As its only one track when a carriage come the other way the cart with the least passengers have to get off and remove the carriage from the track. Its a great little ride and we saw an awesome sunset at the end. The footage is of our driver removing the carriage from the track whilst we all watch.

The final video is of sunrise at Angkor Watt, however its not really sunrise its just getting lighter. Sadly the day I got up at 4:30am to cycle to Angkor Watt it was grey sky. It was still great to see though.

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