Friday 3 February 2012

Back in Ho Chi Minh City

Not sure what these are!?

I arrived back in Ho Chi Minh City last sunday. My school has been delayed in opening for a week so its been pretty quiet workwise this week and it will be pretty quiet next week too - lazy days. I only had four teaching hours this week so went to visit my other school and ask for some more which they happily gave me so now I'm working over the weekend.

I've not really got any more photos so I'm going to bring out some that I've been saving for a rainy day.

As if the boxes aren't enough a bikes on it too!

These pictures are ones that i've managed to capture. Being in the right place at the right time. There pretty good but not the best ones i've seem. Around Christmas I saw a guy with about 45 cases of 24 Heiniken on his bike - its hard to picture or believe unless you saw it but I managed to count all the cases whilst sitting in traffic. My flat mate also saw a guy with a 6ft xmas tree stood up on the back which would have made a good Xmas card shot.

Fruit man!

I do have some very exciting news. The dart season starts again next week - Tuesday 7th February 2012. The first match is against the all girls team, AC-DC that gave us a beating last time. It was the first game I pIayed and I will be demanding that my manager to put me against the girl who beat me last time then stood behind me whilst I was scoring and corrected all my mistakes. I've not forgotten - it still hurts - here we go!

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