Wednesday 22 February 2012

Work update and ............... Darts!!!

With the family we had dinner with in Cambodia
For this weeks darts we hosted the all Vietnamese team of Buhay Na Buhay at the Blue Gecko. As my Tuesday night class was not on this week due to it finishing last week (it starts again next week) I could arrive on time and was put into the doubles and triples. We won the triples but lost the doubles, although I did check out in one leg of the doubles. For the singles I was put up against a chap called Russ who was pretty good. I lost the first leg but am pleased to report I stormed back to win the match 2-1! For the night we drew 6-6 which was initially disappointing as we were 6-3 up but on reflection this team, along with the one we played last week are favourites for our division.

Having fun in Cambodia
Some more good news is that according to the SIDL darts league standings I'm statistically the best player in my team - its early days though and there are some good players in our squad - plus I want them to do well so we win the matches each week. I was a good evening which the team finished as tradition with a refreshment called an 'Irish car bomb' which consists of dropping a shot into some Guinness and drinking it. Not my idea but enjoyable never the less.

Cambodian youngling
I've been playing alot of football recently which is great but also increases the chances of me getting injured. This came true the other night. I think Ive cracked a bone in my foot. I'm ok but its a bit painful - I'm hoping it will be better in a few weeks as there is another football tournament which I want to take part in.

I'm still working which is fun, the e-commerce lectures have started again which are going well. My favourite and only full time English class finished last week. We have an end of course party and I brought some munchies. This consisted of popcorn and crisps. I didn't realise how much mess kids can make with popcorn. The room was a mess at the end of the party. The cleaner, as after we made the Christmas poster, did not look impressed.

The photos on my blog this week are from my recent trip to Cambodia. Its of a family we had dinner with when I was part of a tour group. It was a great evening and lovely to spend time with a Cambodian family. 

Thursday 16 February 2012

Valentines day darts

The Blue Gecko

Darts this week fell on Valentines day in Ho Chi Min City and our first home game at the Blue Gecko was against Team Viet - who won their first game 11-1. We were warned by our manager that although they were a new team most of their player was old division 1 players (we're in division 3). So in a way we were expecting to get beaten. I finished work and rushed to the Blue Gecko where our team were already 4-0 down in games.
Team Viet at the Blue Gecko

In the singles match I was put against their 2nd best player and watching him warm up was pretty scary as all his darts were going in and around the triple 20.  The game got underway and we were both scoring well and somehow I managed to win the first leg! It was a great game and even the spectators were enjoying it. The second leg was close too and I managed to get down to checking out and had 3 darts to win the match but missed the double. He then checked out to make it 1-1.

Me and all my housemates
Again the final leg was close and it came to checking out and sadly he won it. However I wasn't too disappointed as I think he's one of the best players in the darts league and he looked pretty relieved when it was over. It was probably the best match I've played as I scored 2 hundreds and alot of 60s / 70s and 80s. Team Viet went on to win 12-0 but there were alot of close games so it didn't feel too disappointing. The team was made up of all Vietnamese and Philippine players.

Birthday cake for Erick
I didn't realise that the Philippines are actually pretty well known for being good at darts which I think this team is evidence of. It was also my flatmate, Erick, who also plays for my darts teams birthday so we got him a cake and presented it to him after the match. It was a really good night despite the crushing defeat. Apart from the darts I've been working hard, my new e-commerce semester has started and I've got more English hours. I'm still playing football and going to the gym so everything is good here. As February comes to a close the weather is supposed to be getting hot again - at the moment its hot but not humid - I'm not looking forward to it heating up!!!

Saturday 11 February 2012

Return of the SIDL darts season

AC-Dc vs Blue Gecko @ M52 bar
Fantastic news! The dart season returned to Saigon this week and our first game was against the all girls team of AC-DC. When I joined the blue Gecko team last year this was my first match and as we all know I got my butt kicked by a girl. Since that dramatic night in early October I've been playing more and practicing more so I was keen for a re-match with the girl who beat me.

On the day of the game I text my boss to see if he could re-arrange the showdown for that evening. Sadly when I got to the pub - the M52 bar in downtown HCMC, I was told that she's not playing because she's pregnant.... I didn't see that coming!

Tuesday night darts action
However there were still plently more ladies to be beaten by so I didn't let it get to me. I'm happy to report however that the season started where the last one finished and I won my singles game comfortably 2-0. The girl seemed a bit moody when I beat her and sat in the corner looking glum for a while. Now I'm not one to take pleasure in other peoples misery but this did make me chuckle. More good news is that I checked out on my first dart in the first leg and the fifth dart in the second leg.

Random photo - taken at the reunification palace in HCMC

Our team won the overall game so we are 1 and 0 for the season. We have a few new players and some of the old ones have made way so we could be challenging for the Division 3 title this season. Some more good news is that there is a website for the Saigon International Darts league which has standings and individual stats. I'm joint top at the moment on 1 win with about 30 other people! Our team is called the 'Blue Gecko' and we are in division 3 -

Apart from the darts ive not been doing that much. I don't start working for real until next week. I've started playing football three times a week. I hours 5-a-side costs about 60p - bargain! I've been doing lots of prep work and getting some extra hours teaching children. Its such a nice pace of life out here. Really different to England. It doesn't feel like work most of the time but at the same time I feel I'm developing my teaching skills and improving as a teacher.

Friday 3 February 2012

Back in Ho Chi Minh City

Not sure what these are!?

I arrived back in Ho Chi Minh City last sunday. My school has been delayed in opening for a week so its been pretty quiet workwise this week and it will be pretty quiet next week too - lazy days. I only had four teaching hours this week so went to visit my other school and ask for some more which they happily gave me so now I'm working over the weekend.

I've not really got any more photos so I'm going to bring out some that I've been saving for a rainy day.

As if the boxes aren't enough a bikes on it too!

These pictures are ones that i've managed to capture. Being in the right place at the right time. There pretty good but not the best ones i've seem. Around Christmas I saw a guy with about 45 cases of 24 Heiniken on his bike - its hard to picture or believe unless you saw it but I managed to count all the cases whilst sitting in traffic. My flat mate also saw a guy with a 6ft xmas tree stood up on the back which would have made a good Xmas card shot.

Fruit man!

I do have some very exciting news. The dart season starts again next week - Tuesday 7th February 2012. The first match is against the all girls team, AC-DC that gave us a beating last time. It was the first game I pIayed and I will be demanding that my manager to put me against the girl who beat me last time then stood behind me whilst I was scoring and corrected all my mistakes. I've not forgotten - it still hurts - here we go!