Friday 2 December 2011

Christmas poster competition

My teaching assistant - aka 'assistant project manager'
As I’ve previously mentioned I’m working part time at two schools at the moment, ILA and ERC. ILA is the school where I teach lots of young learners and ERC is where I lecture e-commerce. ERC, the business school, has asked me to work more hours and as my cover classes finished at ILA this past weekend, I’ve agreed. This mean I will only be at ILA 8 hours a week whilst doing a lot more at ERC. I will be teaching English to BBA students who are young adults (18-24), it should be good experience and good to get some adult teaching on my CV.


It was a fun week at ILA this week. With Christmas around the corner I got to spend my time making and decorating Christmas posters with my junior classes. After bombing out of the Halloween poster competition I wanted to win this one. As you can see it was great fun. We were short on time so had to rush it which meant the classroom was a mess at the end of the lesson, there was glitter, paper, glue and paint everywhere.

Finishing the artwork
There were three cleaners waiting outside when I left. One had obviously taken a peek into the classroom and seen what was going on and called for reinforcements, they didn’t look impressed when I left the classroom. I got to play some Christmas hits whilst making this poster too. It was if Shakin, Mariah, Wizard and Cliff were in the room with us.

There are quite a few Christmas lights up now. There is a place near the park I go to which I've dubbed ‘Christmas corner’, it looks pretty cool. I will get a photo of it for next week.

Hoping to win the competiton with this!

I’ve been taking Vietnamese lessons provided by ILA for the past two weeks. It’s been good fun but tough. So far we’ve learnt the usual stuff, like saying ‘hello’, ‘my name is Joel, what’s your name?’ and the numbers 1-100. We also learnt some countries which was fun. Sadly I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to keep it going with my new schedule at ERC, If I can’t I’d like to get some lessons elsewhere.

Happy Christmas

It’s still very hot here. I’m told December gets cooler but I have my doubts. I went out with a friend last night. We were on a bike, it was 9:30pm and it felt slightly cooler than usual. I looked up at one of the buildings which displayed the temperature…. 27 degrees. It makes me wonder how hot it normally is. I saw a teaching job advertised on the Internet a few days ago in Siberia, it’s tempting at times.

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