Saturday 31 December 2011

Christmas in Ho Chi Minh City

Christmas lunch
Last week I got to experience my first Christmas away from England. I went to the New World hotel in the centre of Ho Chi Minh City along with about 40 other teachers from ILA, the school where I work. I was an ‘all you can eat and drink’ lunch from 11am – 3pm. There was a great selection of food including roast turkey, roast potatoes and a great selection of cheeses.

Christmas in the evening

It was nice to be able to dress up and socialize with the other teachers in a nice hotel. After the dinner I went to a house party for some more drinks. It was a very nice day. Apart from being with the western people you would not have noticed it was Christmas. I don’t think the locals really celebrate it and on the way over to the hotel everyone was just going about their usual daily routines.

Cake with a snowman

Since Christmas I've been working hard. I've now got a few days off for New Year but at the end of next week I’ve got about two weeks away from work as my school closes for the Vietnamese holiday of TET. I’m hoping to go away for this time but so far have not made my mind where. Cambodia is probably going to be the best option as there are still some places I want to see.

Christmas dinner

Some good news which everyone is excited about is that after TET the darts season will start again so ill have something else to talk about. I need to get practicing again. Darts are hard to come by in Vietnam and as far as I know there is only one chap who sells them. He gets them imported from England. I've arranged to meet him in the New Year to get some more flights and stuff so I can be ready for the new season.
My picture of the week this week is one I took of a taxi driver... It made me laugh!!! - see below.

Taxi driver hard at work.

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