Monday 5 September 2011

End of my first week of teaching

Where's sugar cane man?
I’ve just finished my first week of teaching and so far it’s been ok. It’s pretty tough but the same as learning anything new. As this is a private school the lessons are mostly in the evenings and at weekends. I had 10 hours of lessons this weekend after finishing the induction week. I’ve got 6 hours of lessons next week then 16 hours at the weekend which pretty much means I've got the whole week off and only work weekends which, as there is no real weekend structure here like the UK and the weekend football games are on TV in the evening here its not bad at all. The actual planning of the lessons is more time consuming than the lessons themselves.

Here he is! hiding behind the lampost

I had my first class of 4-6 year old which was surprisingly fun. You got to play lots of games and sing songs; itwas a bit like playing with my nephew x 18. As I've not been doing much but teaching I've not had a chance to take many photos. The ones today are of sugar cane man who I snapped a few days back whilst having lunch upstairs in a restaurant. He was pushing his bike down the road whilst on his daily rounds.

Sugarcane man on his rounds

I'm currently looking at getting a permanent house and sharing with four others who I studied with on the course. We are all working at different schools and all get on pretty well so it should work out. I’ve not been involved in the house finding process (which is fine with me) but I'm told the places they have viewed so far are pretty spectacular and very spacious.

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