Sunday 29 April 2018

Can Tho by motorbike

We have a long weekend in Vietnam, its basically the equivalent of Easter in the UK. We decided that as I have a newer and more reliable bike, we should do a road trip into the Mekong Delta to a place called Can Tho. This is the biggest city in the Mekong Delta.

Although its only 168km, the roads are not that good so we expected it to take between 4 and 5 hours. It was a nice road trip. We stopped for regular breaks. I didn't realize how saw your arse gets from sitting on a bike for so long. The 'service' stations are a bit different to the UK. They are just people house with dusty hammocks on the side of the road. These are shown in the pictures below.

The hammocks are very nice and allowed me to admire the view of my bike and the dusty roads. Coconuts are cheap and plentiful. Its about 70p for one!

 I'm sure we will be doing more road trips in the future!!


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